What happens now?

Step 1: You've looked at my website and you like what you see.
You’ve explored the site and read about I work and you wanna chat... drop me a line on tomaswhelanfitness@gmail.com or using the form below.

Step 2: Let’s arrange an intro session
Ok so you’re happy with everything we've talked about, it's time to get to work. The intro session consists of a 40 min (approx) workout to suss out your fitness level. Then we'll chat about your goals. 

Step 3: Programme time
I'll create a programme for you to follow. Most clients book a block of 12 sessions with 2 sessions a week. I'll also give you workouts to do on the days you're not training with me.


Contact Tomás


Personal Training gym

Flyefit Cork City

10 Oliver Plunkett St

City Centre Cork